Online Giving

At the St. Marys Church of the Nazarene, we believe stewardship involves the giving of tithes and offerings for the building of God's kingdom.  



There are several ways you can participate in giving to St. Marys Church of the Nazarene:

  1. You can give when you worship with us on Sundays by placing your tithe or offering in the offering plate.
  2. You can send your tithe or offering by mail to: St. Marys Church of the Nazarene, 390 Indiana Ave., St. Marys, OH 45885
  3. You can give online through PayPal. You don't need a PayPal account. You just need a debit/check card. Please do not tithe or give an offering by charging it to your credit card if you have accumulated debt. Note that PayPal charges 2.2% of the total donation plus $.30 per transaction. The church will give you credit for your total donation before PayPal fees are deducted. If you have any questions, contact us at

 Please fill out and submit the form below.  After you have submitted the form, click on Donate to go to PayPal.


Click on Donate ONLY after you have submitted the above form.